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So, if you like listening to the sound of your engine, or if you like the smell of burning rubber of your wheels, you are in the right place. Even if you don’t like speed and power, racing and all this stuff, but you love your car, you are still in the right place because you might be interested in professional spare parts. Nowadays car is not just a vehicle, it is a part of you, it influences your style and your character.
So, if you like listening to the sound of your engine, or if you like the smell of burning rubber of your wheels, you are in the right place. Even if you don’t like speed and power, racing and all this stuff, but you love your car, you are still in the right place because you might be interested in professional spare parts. Nowadays car is not just a vehicle, it is a part of you, it influences your style and your character. Car is a part of culture because we spend a significant amount of time of our lives by the steering wheel. We spend endless hours in traffic jams; we like to eat in a car, like to listen to music and so on. Our industry made a great number of legendary cars, and this is a true argument that it is essential part of our life. You know, psychologists claim that style of driving shows some striking features of character. And you know it is true. Car is more than a piece of a metal, it became a social phenomenon. Have you ever noticed that we often try to talk to the car as if it was a human?
Prisukama kilpa tvirtinti kroviniui.
Tvirta, vientiso lydinio krovinio tvirtinimo kilpa.
Lankstas - borto vyris UZ03 , kaiščio skersmuo 12mm
Priekabos sukabinimo spyna, tinkanti ant kvadratinio 50mm diametro grąžulo. Apkrova 750kg.
Priekabos sukabinimo spyna, tinkanti ant 60mm skersmens vamzdžio. Apkrova 750kg.
Spyna priekabos sukabinimo 750kg K
Spyna priekabos sukabinimo 2300kg apvali 50
Pagamintas iš ketaus, ypač tvirtas kablys priekaboms, kurių didžiausia leistina masė yra 3000 kg. Skersmuo 50mm. Tinka tiek KNOTT , tiek AL-KO inerciniams mechanizmams.